How long have you been struggling to do some basic chores like taking a shower or even getting up from bed? If you’re dependent on a helping hand for the most basic movements and regular chores, then we can help you become self-sufficient. While your disability to move may be permanent, the inability to do your work isn’t.

What we provide you with our technology and products that can help you move on your own. Whether you need a better wheelchair or a machine you can use by yourself to clean the house, we’ll provide you with these support tools to help you become independent again.
Following are some of the assistive products that’ll help you with your household tasks::
- Wheelchairs and other mobility aids for moving, showering, dressing or lying down.
- Special doorbells and alarms
- Memory aid that is programmable
- Specialized clocks
- An environmental control unit
If you’re in need of something like this that can help you become more independent, then just give us a call. We’ll be sending over someone to take an inspection of your space and understand what you need. Based on the problems you’re facing, the design of your house and the facilities you already have, our team members will provide you with customized technology and products that will help you out.